Friday 18 January 2008


Don't go searching your dictionarys - it's not a word.

Played the 10k gtd on blonde at midnight last night and got off to a flier! Raised AQc up and found 3 callers, flop brings KJ4 all clubs. Checked to me on the button and I fire out, called in one place and raised in another - I want his full stack so call the raise here, the other guy folds. In a way this makes it obvious I have the flush but the standard isn't great here and the alarm bells may not have been ringing in his head.

The turn bring the 10c - ROYAL FLUSH!

I tried desperately to somehow save the hand history or convert it but had no idea what I was doing and it was lost when I moved table sometime later. Anyway, the guy pushed the turn with bottom set and that was that. I busted another person soon after when I flopped broadway with J10d and the guy paid me off with top pair.

From this point on I was never out of the top ten and playing comfortably but I pushed to hard near the final table and bust 12th - I must learn to slow down even a touch here although I always feel the need to be aggressive with the stacks so shallow. I don't know why.

So 12th for a tawdry 100 bucks when I had my eyes firmly on 1st and $2700. Too many finishes in the teens - need these translated into final tables.

On a side note - there is 10hrs 37mins to go til I can eat again. I don't feel hungry but I know for sure I'll be starving later tonight. Ken hasn't eaten either so there is a good chance this is gonna end in a draw - balls!
I've been stepping on the scales morning and night over the last few days and my weight has been fluctuating a bit. Down 5 pounds, up 2 pounds, down 3 pounds, up two pounds, down two pounds - the scales are ridiculous electronic things and good chance they are wrong as I can't see how I can be down 6 pounds in less than 3 days so far.

Anyway - thanks for listening to me blethering and I'll be back tomorrow with some football betting!

Rock on!

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