Wednesday 9 January 2008

Drunken Rules of Poker

After enjoying multiple bottles of Stella "wife beater" Artois and some cheap £1 self-proclaimed Jamaican Lager Beer 'Red Stripe' I came home and felt the need to play poker. Note to self: Not a good idea Scott. If I do feel the need in future I'm sure there are some rules I should I enjoy!

1. Make sure you can see computer screen.

2. Don't ever play cash online when you are drunker than the skunk who lives next door.

3. Rebuy tournaments are to be avoided - excessive rebuys will be enjoyed and will harm the wallet.

4. Drink irn-bru.

No doubt more will be added to this list in the future.

Off to check my football bets from last night had a bet on MK Dons purely cos I wanted to bet and had 5 mins on a break from work. EDIT - They drew after 90mins, annoying as I'd teamed them with a couple of other winners from last night. Bugger.

Thanks for reading - seems I have 33 views, pretty sure half of those are mine. Feel free to leave comments to make me feel good - even if it is just a hello.

1 comment:

The Kenster said...

Get playing tournaments, not cash, is what I say.
Have a break now and then, until you want to play and you feel happy about playing.
And also, hello.