Sunday 13 April 2008

I'm Alive!

Not been playing a tremendous amount of poker tbh. Been depositing whenever I feel like playing a mtt with no major cashes.

Got my final uni exams at the end of the month so once I fail those I'm thinking making a decent sized deposit onto a site and grinding some cash, and playing less tourneys. Thinking maybe Ladbrokes, heard only good things.

My last post was a good while ago and since then been away a couple of times. Went to DTD in Nottingham for the weekend with a couple of guys from uni - it rocked. Played the £50 tourn on the Saturday but we were pretty blotto after drinking since like 10am. Busted pretty early, probs overplayed a hand or something. Made a bit at cash so spent like £3.78 the whole trip.

Played at the UK Student Poker Championships at Birmingham Broadway Casino. Was another good trip but the poker was ugly, as was the fuckin' blackjack and roulette - I've not got the skills for those games. Played Day1a in the UKSPC and couldn't get going - this was mainly due to a guy called Ben (who I later found out is Sunday8pm on blonde) raising every hand and couldn't really make any impression on such a weak table. He ended up busting me at the 100/200 level when my AA was no match for 55 aipf - decent sized pot too, would have got me back rolling. Good trip though and found out I suck at ridic card games in the hotel room - losing a fortune depsite it only being £1 a game.

Picked the winner in the Grand National - told a few of the DUPS boys and they got on too.

Anyway, I'll fo' shizzle be updating this regularly when I start playing again - prob be mid-May or so.

Peace out. A-Town. Bye.

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